Kavos dėmė

Professional furniture and carpet cleaning

Professional furniture, carpet, carpet flooring, and window cleaning in Vilnius city and district.

We come to help!

+370 600 64 774

Upholstered Furniture Cleaning

During our upholstered furniture cleaning process, we will remove all dust, dust mites, bad odors, stains, and dirt from your furniture.

Carpet Cleaning

Carpets provide comfort and warmth to our homes, and in the workplace, they not only look professional but also collect allergens, dirt, and toxins, preventing them from contaminating the air we breathe.


Ciuziniu valymas

Mattress Cleaning

We clean not only furniture and carpets but also mattresses. A clean mattress is very important for your good health and sweet dreams.

Ciuziniu valymas

Window Cleaning

Window cleaning in Vilnius and district. Homes, apartments, offices. Windows are the first impression from which our clients or guests form their opinion about us. Clean windows guarantee good emotions and mood for those around us.

How can we help you?

We are a small team of certified professionals ready to provide these services right in your home:


Upholstered Furniture Cleaning 

We are familiar with all materials used in the textile industry and their weaving methods,to determine which cleaning agents are best suited for each piece of your furniture. Has your recently cleaned sofa turned brownish, developed a greenish tint, or pink spots appeared? We’ll identify the causes of such defects and restore the furniture to its original color. The most common cause is the selection of inappropriate cleaners or poor rinsing from the fabric. Have questions? Click here! Work examples – here! Prices – here!

Carpet and Carpet Flooring Cleaning 

Through special training, we aim not only to clean your carpet or carpet flooring but also to ensure outstanding long-term results by removing mites and other allergens from the covering, as well as stabilizing the pH of the cleaned material. To remove dirt from the material, we use Airflex Storm industrial cleaning vacuums. Due to the vacuum’s exceptional power, we achieve much better carpet cleaning results than with regular washing vacuums. Thanks to them, we remove the maximum amount of dirt even from long-uncleaned carpet flooring and significantly reduce drying time. Have questions? Click here!

Mattress Cleaning 

Since we have very close contact with the mattress, it’s very important that no chemicals remain in the mattress after cleaning. Complete removal of chemicals from the mattress is ensured by using the Airflex Storm industrial cleaning vacuum. Thanks to the vacuum, we rinse out chemicals with approximately 50 liters of clean water and reach all dirt even at a depth of 5cm. We use only professional, tested cleaning agents that you won’t find on store shelves. Since we use top-level equipment and cleaning agents, we provide services right in your home. After completing the work, the first cleaned piece of furniture will already be ready for use. Have questions? Click here!

Window Cleaning 

Window cleaning can be regular or post-construction. During regular cleaning, the glass is cleaned and the window frames are wiped with a microfiber cloth. During post-construction cleaning, a special knife is used to remove residues of concrete, silicone, and other materials from the glass, and adhesives and other dirt are removed from the window frame. Have questions? Click here!

Worker cleaning windows

Customer Reviews

Violeta BVioleta B
11:10 27 Oct 22
Labai patiko atlikta paslauga. Greita komunikacija. Punktualus, santurus ir profesionalus darbuotojai. Darbas atliktas greitai ir kokybiskai. Tai pirma patirtis su sia kompanija, bet tikiu ne paskutine.
Aleksandr PonidzelskijAleksandr Ponidzelskij
14:59 21 Oct 22
Rekomenduoju šią įmonę ir kolektyvą kaip kainos ir kokybės santykį. Šaunus vyrai dirba ne pirmą kartą, nusimano savo darbą. Ji atlieka profesionaliai greitai ir kokybiškai.Ateityje taip pat rinksiuos šią kompaniją.Visokeriopos Jums Sėkmės.
Evelina StumbraiteEvelina Stumbraite
09:44 12 Sep 22
Profesionalu - ne tik puikiai atlikas darbas bet ir nuostabus bendravimas su klientu. Darbas atliktas švariai ir greitai. Viskas labai patiko! Didelis pliusas - buvo galima atsiskaityti kortele. Viskas super! Pasinaudosim paslaugomis dar ne kartą!
Dainius KriauciunasDainius Kriauciunas
19:46 30 Aug 22
Kokybiškai ir iperatyviai atliktos paslaugos, malonus aptarnavimas. Paslauga naudojuosi ne pirmą kartą. Tikrai rekomenduoju. Sėkmės!
Karolis JonušasKarolis Jonušas
13:27 11 Aug 22
Jau ne kartą teko naudotis teikiamomis paslaugomis-niekada nenuvylė: dirba itin profesionaliai, kokybiškai, bendrauja mandagiai. Džiaugiuosi suradęs šituos vyrukus, į konkurentus net neverta žvalgytis. Ačiū!